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Introduction to Systems Bology- Mathematical and Computational Modeling of the Cell



商品訊息描述 This book is a comprehensive guide to applications of mathematical and computational approaches to cell biology. It provides an accessible entry route into this interdisciplinary field for students and researchers from various specialized backgrounds in biology, mathematics, physics, engineering or computer science. It gives a balanced presentation of the methodology (differential equations, dynamical systems analysis, stochastic processes, networks and optimization) and new, emerging modeling approaches, illustrated through a structured collection of case studies in which the use of mathematical and computational methods combined with experiments leads to new insights into the biological phenomena. At the end of each chapter, this is complemented with a brief overview of the relevant systems biology literature, providing links to reviews and key research publications in the particular area for further reading. In addition to the modeling approaches, the book also describes the relevant mathematical and systems biology software tools, including a set of problems and computational exercises through which the reader can gain a practical knowledge of the wide range of computational tools and model databases currently available.

  • 作者: Neufeld, Zoltan
  • 原文出版社:Imperial College Pr
  • 出版日期:2019/02/28
  • 語言:英文

Introduction to Systems Bology- Mathematical and Computational Modeling of the Cell


陸軍航空特戰指揮部特戰三營 17 日上午在台中清泉崗基地,執行漢光34號演習反空降跳傘操演時,26歲上兵秦良丰搭乘 C-130 運輸機到達 1300 呎高空跳傘,因主傘張傘不完全,副傘吃風不足,造成直接落地重傷。陸軍航特部今(22)日表示,基於安全考量,今年漢光演習將暫緩帶著武器包一起跳傘。

國防部 22 日邀請媒體參訪陸軍空降訓練中心,向國人證明傘兵訓練精實,傘訓其實很安全,也為秦良丰打氣。空降訓練中心指揮官方裕原上校表示,初判秦良丰跳傘重摔是一場「複合式事故」。他指出,由於秦良丰是 60 公釐迫擊砲手,跳傘時需要將砲拆解,放在GP通用裝備包內,由砲班人員帶著一起跳傘,跳出機門時要將包夾在兩腿間。

方裕原說,通常傘兵跳出機艙後,主傘約在第 4 秒鐘會全張吃風、產生浮力,但在此之前因為人由飛機的高速尾流中脫離時,往往會發生翻滾,根據保傘連拍攝的影片判斷,秦良丰此時發生傘繩纏到腳的狀況,導致主傘無法順利張成正圓形,造成浮力大減。秦良丰在空中很努力排除狀況,但可能由於背著沉重的裝備包,影響動作靈活度。

在跳傘後第 15 秒鐘,秦良丰雖然拉開副傘,但也受主傘干擾而未能完全張開。他在第 28 秒落地,大約是花了正常1250英呎跳傘的一半時間。從影像判斷,他在第 26 秒時腿部已經脫開傘繩纏繞,因此實施了「五點著陸」的著地動作,此一定程度減緩了衝力,避免傷勢更嚴重。

為求安全起見,航特部表示,這此參加漢光34號演習所用的 MC-1 降落傘,將全部由生產降落傘的軍備局 209 廠傘製所拆開檢查後,再重新摺回,傘兵也暫時停止攜帶 GP 裝備包跳傘。 GP 裝備包可綑綁通信器材與各類型輕兵器。

▲國軍傘兵攜帶T-10R副傘為跳傘傘具。(圖/記者呂烱昌攝 , 2018.5.22)

▲陸軍空降訓練中心跳台側滾訓練五點著陸,利用身體肌肉最有彈性部位著陸,降低落地衝擊。(圖/記者呂烱昌攝 , 2018.5.22)





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